Euchre Poker Face...
In researching Francis Barlow, I recently read an article in the August 1891 edition of the Philadelphia Times
In the summer of 1891 Barlow was spending time at his house in Lenox, Massachusetts. His family frequently spent "the season" in the affluent Berkshires, as did many others of society. It was a time of leisure, gatherings, sporting events and rest.
The article recounts an August evening at the cottage of Fred Esler, a railroad executive originally from Philadelphia. Barlow, along with others were engaged the gentlemen's card game of Euchre (similar to poker but played with 32-cards v 52). Barlow, holding three kings in his hand, before the draw, challenged Esler's. "I wonder if you are a young man of nerve. Outside of the pot I would like to wager you the enormous sum of ten dollars that my hand will beat yours."
Esler, holding a bobtail straight, felt his hand was good enough to beat Barlow and accepted the challenge. By luck of the draw Esler was $10.00 richer to Barlow's amazement. When realizing he had been beat, Barlow with his way of words, said to Esler, "You are the young man I have long been looking for. Do you get your nerve from your Philadelphia birth or your New York residence? The man who will make a previous wager upon a straight open at only one end excites my admiration. You are entirely to brash for this staid community."
There are few existing records of Barlow outside the public eye this to me was a great find. In that moment of defeat Barlow's quick wit kicked in. I am sure his typical expressionless poker or you might even say 'Barlow face' turned to a smirkey grin.
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